Saturday, November 15, 2008

BLOG STAGE 6 -- Barack Obama for President!

Barack Obama for President. I definitely agree with Ms Moye. I voted for Obama because of all the background information that was given to us. It was sufficient for me to be convinced that this is the man that we have all been waiting for. Because he doesn’t come from a wealthy family like McCain for example, I think it is easier for Obama to relate to those that have financial issues and need more options to better their lifestyle. The economy of the US has dropped a lot. I think that with Obama being president he can bring that back up and present to us better life opportunities. Like Ms Moye said, “America needs a man with good leadership skills, a level head, and the confidence to stand strong and promote peace.” I think this definitely describes the man Obama has been portrayed throughout the media and many other people that have met him. Hoping that everything that we have learned about him is true, we shall wait for a good change in America now that he is our new US President!

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