Friday, October 3, 2008

BLOG STAGE 3 - October 3, 2008

I found an article in The New York Times Opinion arguing that the United States government should come up with a better strategy to “build a smoother path to legal entry and citizenship.” I feel that it is a great idea and that the argument is presented in a very fine way. The article is mentions how there are teachers, engineers, researches and other immigrants who are here in the United States following the “rules”, filing their paperwork, paying their fees and waiting for someday to become legal residents. It is very unfair I believe that we have people here from other countries, like Mexico, who are willing to be hard working people and do everything the right way and not be able to legalize their status. There are people coming over with college degrees, masters and some even with PhD’s trying to be proactive and looking for a better lifestyle. I believe that the author makes a good point when he mentions this because it’s like saying, why wouldn’t we give the opportunity to these people who are willing to work hard and make this a better country, to be able to become legal citizens in a much easier and smoother way. If the system was much easier, we would have less people trying to go around the immigration system and doing things illegally, rather than having people do things the right or legal way. Granting green cards to people younger than 40 with college degrees, is a very good and smart idea. We, as US citizens, want only but the best for our country. If we could only have more successful people, more college graduates, or simply have more people pursuing higher goals in life; our government and economy would blossom like never before. Therefore, if we have people like this coming over from other countries and can prove to us that they are here to be proactive, then we should definitely grant them an easier way to legalize their citizenship. The author presents this argument in a very detailed way and is why I can definitely agree with him, for his good examples and well written argument.

Article URL:

1 comment:

Ben Burrito said...
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