Wednesday, December 10, 2008

BLOG STAGE 2: President Obama’s Inauguration

Barrack Obama’s inauguration will definitely make history on many counts. Principally in being the first African American President but in this particular article he’ll be the first on a topic that has been American tradition since the first U.S. inauguration. On the morning of January 20th 2009, President-elect Obama will say his full name, “Barrack Hussein Obama.” Using his full name intended or not, is in itself a statement. The fact that our country has elected not only an African American as President but an African American of Islamic roots will show the world that our country is in fact a country that has been transformed. We are now a country that can show our neighboring nations all over the globe that we can embrace them and work together to better our nation.

BLOG STAGE 4: Commentary on “Step Aside Governor”

The accusations of presiding Governor of Illinois are not shocking in any way, shape or form based on the state’s history of Governors. The fact that one of the editors of the Chicago Tribune wrote this piece doesn’t exactly make me think that all the evidence incriminating the Governor might be true. The Governor might have a case. I found it odd that the writer had to declare that they were critical of him from the beginning and the Governor tried to barter with the owner to remove members of the Chicago Tribune board. Because of this, the article is definitely biased. Regardless of who wrote the article, I can’t ignore the people of Illinois’ track record for choosing Governors who cheat, lie and steal for money and power. The fact that this has happened off of a great presidential election won by the Senator of Illinois definitely puts a bad taste in the public’s mouth for political leaders in Illinois. I’m positive President-elect, Barrack Obama will make an official statement regarding the incident and will show us that change will come on all levels. Ultimately, as the author of the article points out it is up to the people of the great state of Illinois to choose better leaders and be better informed.

Blog Stage 8: Criticism on Commentary to “Why I’m Pro-Choice”

I think the deeper question behind being Pro-Choice is how it is affecting our nation and our youth. Personally I don’t think abortion should be legal unless it was beyond that person’s control to have a child in cases such as rape. While Analia touches on the individual’s “ideology” and how abortion should be dealt in relation to that, we have to keep in mind that everyone’s ideology will always vary based on their upbringing. Who’s to say what is right or wrong? Our rank in infant mortality rate is not going to rank highest because we have some of the best doctors in the world. I think this is irrelevant. The statistics we should be looking at are those that say we rank number one in the world in teen pregnancies per the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. Abortion would not be an issue if we could teach our children to be responsible when it comes to having sex. We are an irresponsible nation and not educated enough to know the difference. Keep in mind that in a teen pregnancy; is the person who is deciding between having a child or ending the life of one capable or mature enough to make this decision on her own? Of course not, and this is why no one should have a choice when it comes to deciding the lives of innocent children. I know that the ability to choose for ourselves is very much a part of our American culture but so is religion as Analia also points out in her commentary. It is religion that keeps us grounded. Making abortion legal is a statement made by our government saying that if you slip up, it’s ok.